I’m just winding down from the last few days of excitement around the ICT Expo Information Quality Master Class. Larry English was over to do a Master Class on Information Quality. It went very well, and I think Larry enjoyed his visit to Dublin.
Everyone seemed to get a lot out of what was a very intense day- not least me. It is a pity that none of our politicians came along – but there were representatives from our Hospitals, the HSE, financial services and telecomms.
Larry’s take on our electoral register issues was interesting, especially given the work that he has done with the Carter Foundation for Electoral Reform in the US. The use of Census Enumerators is just scrap and rework. It will establish a cleansed register at a point in time but unless the processes and root causes are addressed the register will degrade again from that point forward.
I refer readers to my previous posts on that topic….
By the way… 16 days left to the expiration of Census Enumerator contracts (and counting).