About Daragh

Who am I

Daragh O Brien is an Irish citizen living in the south east of Ireland. He worked on Information Quality and Compliance projects by a leading Irish company based in Dublin until 2009. He now runs his own company providing training, mentoring and project support services in the Information Quality Management space. You can find the company over at Castlebridge.ie

Daragh is a leading writer, presenter and researcher in the field of Information Quality Management, with a particular interest in legal aspects of Information Quality. He lectures on the Legal Regulation for Information Systems module of the European Masters in Business Informatics in Dublin City University.

Daragh is currently the Convenor (chairman) of the IAIDQ’s Irish community of practice, a former Director of the International Association for Information and Data Quality (IAIDQ) and a Fellow of the Irish Computer Society. He also advises a number of not-for-profit professional organisations on Information Quality, Data Governance and Data Protection topics.

He is a popular and entertaining speaker on Information Quality topics and has spoken at and chaired conferences in Ireland, the US, UK, Portugal and Australia over the past few years.

Articles and papers written by Daragh have appeared in the B-Eye-Network, DM Review, The Journal of Direct Marketing, and the Proceedings of the Conference on Advanced Issues in Systems Engineering (2005).

He is the author of two industry reports from Ark Group: Defining and Executing an Effective Data Quality Strategy and The Data Governance and Strategy Toolkit.

What else?

Daragh has a degree in Business and Legal Studies from UCD and has contributed to curriculum development for an Irish university Masters programme in Business Informatics and for FETAC in the areas of Legal Regulation of Information Systems and Information Quality.

He is not a lawyer but is often mistaken for one.

He is a contributor to the Innovation Value Institute (www.ivi.ie) in the area of Enterprise Information Management, Data Protection, and Information Quality.


Any postings or comment on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect policies or opinions of my employers, my business, or any organisation that I am affiliated to or a member of.

If you would like to contact me regarding Information Quality topics or presenting or writing opportunities in that field please use the contact form below.

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