Category: broadband

  • Bogger Broadband

    Regular visitors to this blog will know about my trials and tribulations getting a half way decent broadband service that works.

    After a tormented experience dealing with a useless local service provider who admit to owing me money but haven’t gotten around to sending me the cheque (but in fairness, I haven’t gotten around to sending in ComReg either) I’ve been using Vodafone’s 3g broadband which I find to be a lot like the little girl with the curl in her forehead… when it is good, it is very very good, but when it is bad it makes me want to throw my laptop at a wall.

    Good news reaches me though from a contact in the telecoms industry. The diggers i saw digging and new cabinet I saw being cabineted on the side of the road in Castlebridge recently is evidence of an exchange upgrade which will enable broadband over copper. Yippee… actual technology I can touch!

    Forecast dates are November this year, over a year late (the original date was September 2008). So I’ll expect it around May 2009.

    And to my former broadband provider (who I still haven’t named publicly)… I will be passing your details along to ComReg (again).

  • How not to handle a customer (part 2)…

    This post is an update to the previous post today
    I definitely think I’ll have to consider the Data Protection request as one of the top dogs in this company I’ve been dealing with has just emailed me to say that they only had an email address for me from today. Despite the fact that

    1. When I signed up for their service I had to give an email address
    2. I included an email address in my letter of complaint
    3. One of their Customer Service people had emailed me to the email address I had given on my complaint letter not 4 weeks ago

    Basically this senior person, sent me an email (and I won’t do a ‘Mulley’ on it and publish the email.. YET) which basically reads like “it’s your fault we couldn’t contact you because you didn’t answer your phone”, despite the fact that I have no voicemails (no answer, pissed customer, leave a voicemail to say you tried to contact them… common sense) or missed calls in my missed call log from this company in the past month.

    Not a whiff of mea culpa about it at all… Which is just plain stupid from a Customer Service perspective.

    Years ago I started my career in a call centre. We had an excellent external training consultant for a team leader course I did. He gave one piece of advice (and only one) about dealing with customer complaints… the customer may not always be right, but it’s suicide to try to make them feel they are wrong. I’ve tried to follow that mantra when dealing with customers in my day job (internal customers, project stakeholders, information consumers, managers, co-workers).

    Apparently making people feel they are wrong just gets them peeved and then they go and write blog posts about their experiences that might get linked to your company.

    And as for the Data Protection implication… they captured information about me and either had no use for it or have failed to ensure it is stored safely and securely as per their obligations as data controllers. Even if it is on paper in a filing cabinet it is governed by the Data Protection Act.

    Read the original post to put this in more context

  • How not to handle a customer…

    So, I’ve been having problems with my broadband. Problems significant enough that I would suggest that the Dept of Comms actually think through the potential reliance on Fixed Wireless solutions for Ireland’s broadband deficit. More on that another time.

    What annoys me in the immediate sense is the level of customer service that people seem to think is OK. I had my FWA antenna removed from my house today. I found out about it when I looked out the window and saw the van from my provider in the drive way and the legs of a ladder going up the side of the house. I expected a binglybong on the door bell to let me know what was happening, but nowt. I was working so I couldn’t rush out to talk to the man. By the time I’d finished the work stuff he’d vanned away again.

    I’d complained to my provider in writing back in May about some issues. I got a nice email addressing part of my complaint and bugger all else. After this morning’s visitation I emailed them to find out what was going on.

    Apparently they’ve tried to contact me “numberous” [sic] times over the past month to talk to me about the problems I was having.

    Checked email… nowt.
    Checked spam filter… nowt.
    Checked missed calls on phone… nowt.
    Checked the drawer in the kitchen where all the things that look like bills get hidden… nowt.

    I know I had no voicemails from them on the phone as I would have remembered it (and I would have downloaded the voicemail from the webmail service provided by my mobile service provider -betcha didn’t know you could do that did you, unified messaging almost – and put it in the folder of documents/evidence I am compiling to go with my inevitable ComReg complaint).

    Apparently the only contact information they have for me is my mobile number. Apart from the fact they’ve sent me emails to my email address and a man-in-a-van could find my house, where letters also go. And I included all of that information again on my complaint letter.

    So the lack of a follow up email, or a letter responding to my complaint or a friendly binglybong on the doorbell from the man in the van to fill me in on things were all beyond them, because they didn’t have the information. Which they, errmmmm, had, for the reasons mentioned above.

    So that thing about only having a mobile number to contact me is a… [mistake] [lie] [cop out] [failure of internal processes to properly manage customer information]… (select one or more options as appropriate).

    It would seem it’s all my fault I didn’t know what was going on. I should have felt the disturbance in The Force, as if a small call centre of people suddenly cried out as one and then suddenly felll silent. Curse my failing and fading Jedi skills.

    At least that’s how I’d feel if I wasn’t so peeved at the whole thing. I think that once I’ve updated ComReg with the nonsense I’m dealing with I’ll send my ex-provider a request for all personal information they hold about me (electronic and paper file, and ip and traffic logs etc. ) under the terms of the Data Protection Act. ‘Coz I am fond of my regulatory frameworks and codes of practice etc.

    Notice that I’ve not named the service provider or discussed the specific issues here. That would be unfair to my (it would seem former – at their initiative) Broadband Provider. However, they are exactly the type of organisation that DCENR seems to be pinning the Great Broadband Hope on.

    The good news is that the Vodafone broadband dongle I have for using while commuting and which has been my main tool for getting on line at home recently – even though it is just 2G around these parts, picked up a 3 3G network last night. Couldn’t connect to it but knew it was there. So that’s got me thinking….