So, a bunch of people have asked me to speak at events this year. And this is ON TOP of events and training I’m doing with my company (Castlebridge Associates).
- March 18th – I’m talking about Kelly’s Heroes, Data Privacy & Governance, and stuff with DAMA UK in the Tank Sheds at DCC Shrivenham in the UK.
- March 28th – 2nd April: I’m presenting at Enterprise Data World (EDW) in Washington DC (on Data Protection, Data Governance, and Data Quality).
- May 14th – Commercial Media Group conference on Data Protection Regulation (Dublin)
- May 18th – 21st – Master Data Management & Data Governance Conference, hosted by IRMUK. I’m teaching a full day tutorial at that conference (on Data Protection, Data Governance, and Data Quality stuff).
- June 6th – Lecturing on Law Society of Ireland Certificate in Charity Law, Trusteeship, and Governance
- October – Date TBD: Castlebridge Associates will be hosting a conference on behalf of DAMA Ireland. I might do a bit of presenting
- October – Date TBD: The day after the conference, Castlebridge Associates will be hosting some public training courses for Data Governance, Data Quality, and Data Protection featuring our team and an invited MasterClass tutor.
- November: 2nd-5th – Not confirmed yet but I’m looking forward to teaching at IRMUK’s EDBI conference in November.
Due to client commitments I’m unable to make it to my usual Californian summer conference DGIQ this year, but my colleague Katherine will be presenting there in June.
Not a bad diary! Now, to fit the big client engagements in around that…