Tag: EU Commission

  • DPC, Prism, Safe Harbor and stuff

    The Irish DPC has come under fire in the international media on foot of their failure to act on a complaint by Europe v Facebook about US multinationals with bases in Ireland allowing data to be accessed by the NSA.

    The gist of EVF’s complaint is that this access invalidates Safe Harbor and therefore makes the transfer of data by these companies to the US is therefore illegal.

    EVF may indeed be right. The key 2-legged test to be passed is whether the access by law enforcement/national security agencies to the data that is being transferred is necessary for the national security/law enforcement purpose, and whether the access/processing is in turn proportionate to the objective when balanced against the fundamental right to privacy.

    Prism and similar programmes quite probably fail either or both legs of that test. Certainly the ECJ seemed to be very concerned with whether European governments had done enough to demonstrate necessity and proportionality with regard to EU communications data retention (http://www.contentandcarrier.eu/?p=435).

    This is the ECJ case that the Irish DPC refers to in the written response to Europe-v-Facebook.

    Safe Harbor is a scheme entered into by the European Commission and the US Dept of Commerce to facilitate transfers of data to the US. It is decidedly imperfect and had been the subject of criticism since it was introduced in 2000.

    It is one of the mechanisms under which organisations can transfer personal data outside the EEA (28 EU member states plus Norway, Iceland & Liechtenstein) under S11 of the Data Protection Acts

    S11 does give the DPC the power to prohibit such transfers in certain circumstances. The DPC needs to be of the view that data protection rules are likely to be contravened and individuals are likely to be harmed as a result. This power is limited in that it does not apply where the transfer is required or authorised by law.

    And here’s the rub:

    • Safe Harbor is a scheme that authorises the transfer. So the DPC can’t unilaterally prohibit the transfer of data where Safe Harbor is being applied.
    • The Irish DPC does not have statutory authority to second guess the EU Commission on the legality of Safe Harbor
    • PRISM is, at this time, understood to have a statutory basis in the US and no-one court has yet ruled on the necessity and proportionality of its data gathering, so there is no breach of Data Protection rules per se. If the ECJ gives guidance re similar EU laws this could alter things.

    In short, the Irish DPC’s hands are probably tied by the law.

    Billy Hawkes lacks the legal authority to rule on the validity of Safe Harbor, so while transfers under Safe Harbor are valid in the EU Commissions eyes he probably can’t prohibit a transfer that is based on Safe Harbor. That is probably for the EU Commission to do.

    Nor is he empowered to make a finding of fact against the NSA regarding the necessity and proportionality of their processing (that’s for the US courts, or for the EU Commission to adopt as part of their review of Safe Harbor) – but will be bound by whatever principles of proportionality and necessity for communications meta-data processing emerge from the ECJ Data Retention Directive case, which is likely in my view to be more of a steer to the EU Commission regarding controls that would be required in “Son of Safe Harbor” than empowering the DPC to torpedo Safe Harbor himself.

    I suggest that it is this reasoning which the German DPAs have applied in their action which has had the effect of prohibiting transfers in scenarios where they had direct competence but served only to send up a warning flare that Safe Harbor and Model Contract Clauses might be broken – but DPAs lack the statutory competence to actually do anything about it and it must be addressed by the Commission.

    Rather than “regulator fails to enforce law”, this story is more correctly “Regulators hampered by broken law unsuited for modern age”