Tuppenceworth have started doing ‘Tag Clouds’ to visualise the frequency of words etc in political manifestos and speeches in the run up to the Irish General Election.
Ho-hum I thought… wouldn’t it be interesting to do the same on the emerging commercial Information Quality Blogs (and perhaps other commentary in the area – it works on any text) to see what sort of themes emerge in the tags (ie commonly occuring words). The bigger the font the more frequent the occurence. I’m making no inferences based on the ‘cloud’ – I’ll leave that up to you. This one is based on a post by Garry Moroney of Informatica on their blog site.
accepted accurately address agreed agreement assess asset better birth box bureaux business collected common companies compare complete correctly cost country customer data date define deliver developed easier efficiently effort email enables entering etc exist forcing formatted generic globally happening industry largely least less levels life managing minimal non-customer offer out-of-date partners products providers quality rapidly references requirements responsible result service sit solution standards technology telephone tool-kit types understand understood valid value vary vendors view wide
created at TagCrowd.com